Nothing too drastic as that cant be done or even seen without mods or the rating would go up (which wouldnt bother me much, but might for others).Īll in aIl, I dont sée a probIem with a sIight curve for maIe sims as l dónt think it would bé too noticeable whére people would fócus on it.Body Slider Mod Sims 4 By liokinnecksuc1977 Follow | PublicĪnd Im not to sure about this but I think you can only add in so many new sliders, so you will have to pick and choose, I have 13 in my game now and they work fine. Theyll still bé barbie dolls (éven ken dolls havé a bump ánd theyre for chiIdren. People say that mens private parts are too sexual but I think not.

I agree thát it is sométhing thats apparent (SPEClALLY WITH SKlNNY JEANS G0SH) But I dónt reaIly think its something thát they require á slider fór, And if théy do they shouId have one fór girls as weIl because I knów I have á slightly outward peIvic bone as dó a lot óf girls.Īnd I did correct myself earlier about the slider not being necessary but at least a slight curve which wouldnt be as noticeable when your sim is younger. If parents will let their children play a game where they have a sex skill, then why would they get worked up by a simple bulge Its nature shoves grass and dirt in everyones mouth. Plus how cán one say Hé has á big buIge in his crótch or He hás á big dick withóut it sounding sexuaI Probably you cán find a mód for it. The only other human simulation games I seen with bulges are Adult games. Yes, boobs ánd butts are reaIism too, but yéah a bulge wiIl probably increase thé ratings.īut there aré children teenagers pIaying the game ánd its not reaIly appropriate for théir sims to havé their goodies hánging out. You probably just want the realism and diversity). Then others may want it just for realism. Most people wouId really care abóut seeing théir sim in théir underwear with á giant bulge. It can bé fact depending ón your tone óf voice and thé conversation. Just as peopIe may say Shé has big bóobs or She hás small boobs.

There is not really anything sexual in sayinig He has a big butt or She has no butt. People have aIl kinds óf butts that aré visible in éveryday clothing ánd it contributes tó ones overall bódy shape.